
Responsible Stewardship

As a registered 501(c), Bay Cliff has the added responsibility of ensuring our funding and gifts are put to their most beneficial use. With this mindset of service, we are extremely proud of our long history of maintaining high standards for ourselves and the donations we receive.

Click any of the  documents below to view our independent audits.

A counselor and a camper playing hide and seek.

Responsible Stewardship

Everything we have – everything – is a gift. Through the generosity of individuals like you, who recognize Bay Cliff’s mission and appreciate our ability to adhere to sound financial principles, we are able to make miracles happen .

Love and kindness are never wasted. They always make a difference. They bless the one who receives them, and they bless you, the giver.

Nothing can measure the amount of love, dedication, and passion we have for those we serve, but there are certainly specific financial costs to make our programs possible! With this in mind, we greatly appreciate everything we receive – from a single chocolate bar to a collection of buildings – and we will always honor what we have and those who have provided it to us.

With such a long, storied history of selfless attention to details, how else would we go about our business?
